måndag 12 september 2011

Tack :D

Tack till alla 100 svenskar som har kollat in mig blogg fortsätt att kolla efter framtida uppdateringar :)

- Aero

.. oh btw for all you english nubs use google translate swedish > english

lördag 10 september 2011

Riced cars???

Riced cars what's that?? cars with rice on? i mean rice you eat and i dont wanna eat rice from my bumper..

            you call this a riced car?? all i see is a tuned car... no rice on the hood etc..

Now here u have rice.. BELOW and i dont see any cars here.

soooooo... riced cars?? word doesnt even exists.
next time put "tuned car" instead of "riced car" it's even dumb to call a car riced
"OMGAWD I HAVE A CAR WITH RICE ON!!!!" silly.. that's the truth of "riced cars"

Peace out.